Solaris 8 Container Build

1.      Identify the server OS that will be used inside zone (container). Create flar image and keep it in any NFS mount which can be accessible from Global.
#flarcreate -n mathiyam-flar-image -c -S -X /var/tmp/flar-exclude-list.out /lhotse2/mathiyam/mathiyam-flar-image.flar

An example of exclude file list would be (exclude /var/tmp, /tmp, /home, any NFS mount and all other non-root filesystem)

2.      Install corresponding Solaris Legacy Container per OS version package from
paris: /export/install/SOL_10_0811_SPARC/solarislegacycontainers/1.0.1/Product in global. Note that this legacy package is required for branded zones only.

SUNWs9brandk à     Solaris 9 Containers: solaris9 brand support RTU
SUNWs8brandk à     Solaris 8 Containers: solaris8 brand support RTU

Login to Global and install the package.
#pkgadd –d . SUNWs8brandk

On successful brand legacy package installation, it will list on the system these packages

root@roja-global # pkginfo |grep SUNWs8brand
system      SUNWs8brandk         Solaris 8 Containers: solaris8 brand support RTU
system      SUNWs8brandr         Solaris 8 Containers: solaris8 brand support (Root)
system      SUNWs8brandu         Solaris 8 Containers: solaris8 brand support (Usr)
root@roja-global #

               Above Root and Usr packages are installed with Solaris 10 by default in global.

3.      Create a diskgroup “zonedg” using any unused free disk and create a filesystem of size at least twice the size of flar image. If more space is possible, add more to it for zone installation. Note that zone will see root (/) and /var out of this filesystem only.

                     104857600 15672919 83612809    16%    /s8_f4tuna_zone_volume
                     104857600 12616796 86478102    13%    /s8_lpdb9_zone_volume

4.      Create a directory for zone path under the above filesystem by zone name which will be used in zone creation time.
Ex. #mkdir /s8_lpdb9_zone_volume/maari ; chmod 700 /s8_lpdb9_zone_volume/maari

5.      Create Zone now

root@pagubali-global # zonecfg -z maari
maari: No such zone configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:maari> create -b
zonecfg:maari> set zonepath=/s8_lpdb9_zone_volume/maari
zonecfg:maari> set brand=solaris8
zonecfg:maari> set autoboot=false
zonecfg:maari> set bootargs="-m verbose"
zonecfg:maari> set limitpriv=default,dtrace_user,graphics_access,graphics_map,net_rawaccess,proc_priocntl,proc_lock_memory,sys_ipc_config
zonecfg:maari> set scheduling-class=""                   ßWe are using Time Scheduler (TS)**
zonecfg:maari> set ip-type=shared                           ßNIC is shared between two containers
zonecfg:maari> add net
zonecfg:maari:net> set physical=nxge4                   ßThat’s the physical NIC will be used for sharing
zonecfg:maari:net> set address=
zonecfg:maari:net> end
zonecfg:maari> add capped-memory
zonecfg:maari:capped-memory> set physical=44G              ßAllocating 44gb memory to Maari.
zonecfg:maari:capped-memory> end
zonecfg:maari> add rctl
zonecfg:maari:rctl> set name=zone.max-swap
zonecfg:maari:rctl> add value (priv=privileged,limit= 4294967296,action=deny)
zonecfg:maari:rctl> end
zonecfg:maari> add rctl
zonecfg:maari:rctl> set name=zone.max-locked-memory
zonecfg:maari:rctl> add value (priv=privileged,limit=4294967296,action=deny)
zonecfg:maari> verify
zonecfg:maari> exit

Verify that Maari container is created and status shows configured.

root@pagubali-global # zoneadm list -cv
  ID NAME             STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP
   0 global           running    /                              native   shared
   4 pagubali          running    /s8_f4tuna_zone_volume/pagubali solaris8 shared
   - maari           configured /s8_lpdb9_zone_volume/maari solaris8 shared

6.      Install the Flar image now in the designated zone path location.

root@pagubali-global # zoneadm -z maari install -p -a /lhotse2/lpdb9/lpdb9-flar-image.flar
      Log File: /var/tmp/maari.install.853.log
        Source: /lhotse2/lpdb9/lpdb9-flar-image.flar
    Installing: This may take several minutes...
Postprocessing: This may take several minutes...

        Result: Installation completed successfully.
      Log File: /s8_lpdb9_zone_volume/maari/root/var/log/maari.install.853.log
root@pagubali-global #

After Flar image is installed, verify that status shows “installed”.

root@pagubali-global # zoneadm list -cv
  ID NAME             STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP
   0 global           running    /                              native   shared
   4 pagubali          running    /s8_f4tuna_zone_volume/pagubali solaris8 shared
   - maari           installed  /s8_lpdb9_zone_volume/maari solaris8 shared
root@pagubali-global #

7.      Creating pool set for CPU allocation to individual container. Here in this example, creating pset and pool for pagubali container.

Pooladm –s  ß create default poolcfg.conf file

root@pagubali-global # poolcfg -c 'create pset pset_pagubali (uint pset.min=32; uint pset.max=32)'
root@pagubali-global # poolcfg -c 'create pool pool_pagubali'
root@pagubali-global # poolcfg -c 'associate pool pool_pagubali (pset pset_pagubali)'
root@pagubali-global #pooladm -c           ß To commit

8.      Add the pool name in zone configuration as shows in this example for pagubali.

root@pagubali-global # zonecfg -z pagubali
zonecfg:pagubali> set pool=pool_pagubali
zonecfg:pagubali> verify
zonecfg:pagubali> commit
zonecfg:pagubali> exit

9.      Boot now zone
#zoneadm –z maari boot               ßFrom Global
#zoneadm list –cv                            ßVerify zone status shows “running”

#zlogin –z maari                ßlogin to container from Global

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