Vxrootadm on VxVM.

On Vxvm 6.0, Vxrootadm command has been Enhanced. So, we  can do the root mirror/split thru vxrootadm without manual task so far we followed in earlier versions.

Please find the below steps :

bash-3.2# vxdisk -oalldgs -e list
DEVICE       TYPE           DISK        GROUP        STATUS               OS_NATIVE_NAME   ATTR       
disk_0       auto:sliced    rootdgnew01  rootdgnew   online               c1t0d0s2         -           
disk_1       auto:sliced    -            -           online               c1t3d0s2         -           
disk_2       auto:sliced    -            -           online               c1t1d0s2         -           


bash-3.2# ./vxrootadm  addmirror  disk_2
[20:52:44]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5571 Initialize disk disk_2 rootdgnew ...
[20:52:54]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5569 Adding disk rootdgnew01-s0=disk_2 to group rootdgnew ...
[20:53:10]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5575

        You have selected to add mirror volumes to disk group rootdgnew

        on new disk disk_2/rootdgnew01-s0, from volumes on disk_0/rootdgnew01.

        If you continue this operation, mirror volumes will be added on disk_2.

Do you wish to continue [y,n,q,?]  (default: n) y
[20:55:01]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5570 Creating mirror rootdgnew rootdgnew01-s0 rootvol
[21:01:42]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5570 Creating mirror rootdgnew rootdgnew01-s0 swapvol
[21:37:07]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5570 Creating mirror rootdgnew rootdgnew01-s0 var
[21:49:14]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-4829 Bootsetup rootdgnew  ...
[21:49:51]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-4894 New boot disk created successfully.
[21:49:51]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-4893 Devalias for the new boot disk: vx-rootdgnew01-s0
bash-3.2# vxprint -g rootdgnew
dg rootdgnew    rootdgnew    -        -        -        -        -       -

dm rootdgnew01  disk_0       -        286617216 -       -        -       -
dm rootdgnew01-s0 disk_2     -        286617216 -       -        -       -

v  rootvol      root         ENABLED  41945472 -        ACTIVE   -       -
pl rootvol-01   rootvol      ENABLED  41945472 -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd rootdgnew01-B0 rootvol-01 ENABLED  1        0        -        -       Block0
sd rootdgnew01-02 rootvol-01 ENABLED  41945471 1        -        -       -
pl rootvol-02   rootvol      ENABLED  41945472 -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd rootdgnew01-s0-01 rootvol-02 ENABLED 41945472 0      -        -       -

v  swapvol      swap         ENABLED  188744448 -       ACTIVE   -       -
pl swapvol-01   swapvol      ENABLED  188744448 -       ACTIVE   -       -
sd rootdgnew01-01 swapvol-01 ENABLED  188744448 0       -        -       -
pl swapvol-02   swapvol      ENABLED  188744448 -       ACTIVE   -       -
sd rootdgnew01-s0-02 swapvol-02 ENABLED 188744448 0     -        -       -

v  var          fsgen        ENABLED  52447104 -        ACTIVE   -       -
pl var-01       var          ENABLED  52447104 -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd rootdgnew01-03 var-01     ENABLED  52447104 0        -        -       -
pl var-02       var          ENABLED  52447104 -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd rootdgnew01-s0-03 var-02  ENABLED  52447104 0        -        -       -

bash-3.2# ./vxrootadm -vY split mirrordg rootdgnew01-s0
[21:52:17]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5537 Move mirrors from rootdgnew to mirrordg
[21:52:21]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5543 Remove rootdgnew01-s0 plexes: rootvol-02
var-02 from rootdgnew
[21:52:24]# vxplex -f -g rootdgnew -o norestr dis rootvol-02 swapvol-02 var-02
[21:52:28]# vxedit -g rootdgnew -rfn rm rootvol-02 swapvol-02 var-02
[21:52:28]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5542 Remove rootdgnew01-s0 from rootdgnew
[21:52:28]# vxdg -g rootdgnew rmdisk rootdgnew01-s0
....... (outputs removed intentionally)
[21:56:41]# umount /rda_altboot
[21:56:42]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5550 Split boot disk successfully.
[21:56:42]  VxVM vxrootadm INFO V-5-2-5538 New Devalias for the boot disk: vx-rootdgnew01-s0

bash-3.2# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
disk_0       auto:sliced     rootdgnew01  rootdgnew    online
disk_1       auto:sliced     -            -            online
disk_2       auto:sliced     rootdgnew01-s0  mirrordg     online  ß root mirror disk in separate DG now.


Now we can able to boot using "disk_2".

Upgrade of SMCgcc in Solaris fails
Date: 17/Feb/2014
OS Version: Solaris 10

When upgrading on Solaris, you get the message:
"Current administration requires that a unique instance of the package be created. However, the maximum number of instances of the package which may be supported at one time on the same system has already been met. No changes were made to the system.

In the file /var/sadm/install/admin/default
there is a line that affects pkgadd upgrade

If "instance=unique"
You cannot upgrade , you have to remove and then re-add a package

if "instance=overwrite"
You can upgrade , you don't have to remove and then re-add a package
(so just use vi, or similar, to edit the file and you will be able to upgrade SMCgcc)